The XIV Eurasian International Forum Aviation Fuel - 2025 will be held in Moscow on January 30, 2025
"Aviation Fuel - 2025" is the largest annual professional industry event for discussing all issues of the development of the aviation fuel market and the aviation fuel supply industry. 22.10.2024
On November 27, 2024, Moscow will host the key event of the year for airport executives, financial organizations and investors in the airport business, suppliers of innovative solutions for airports – the XII Eurasian International Forum and Exhibition “Airport Development - 2024”. 23.09.2024
On October 24, 2024, Moscow will host key forums in the field of design, construction and operation of passenger terminals and airports. 18.08.2024
Anton Koren, head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Aviation on air on the Russia 24 TV channel. The video review highlights the airports operations and airlines during the period of high season. |
CIVIL AVIATION LEADERS STRATEGY FORUM - 2015CIVIL AVIATION LEADERS STRATEGY FORUM • 2015 The Second international forum June 18th, 2015 Location: Moscow International professional industry event, which is a forum for discussing all the issues of strategic planning for civil aviation companies, aviation industry companies and aviation authorities. THE EVENT IS HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES: Federal legislative and executive public authorities
Airport Association of Russia and CIS
Helicopter Industry Association
Russian United Business Aviation Association
Russian Unmanned Vehicle Systems Association
Aviation Training Center Association
EVENT GOAL The forum is held with an aim to thoroughly discuss the main issues of strategic development of air transport complex in Russia and abroad on the level of state and business, to share the experience of key experts and to present innovative approaches to strategic planning of aviation development. Speeches on over 50 topics will be delivered during the Forum, among which there are the following new and topical issues: Additional sources of funding for aerodrome facilities in Russia:
- Best international practices of collecting charges from the air transport facilities users.
- Prospects and assessment of potential introduction of additional charges from air transport facilities users and industry operators in Russia.
- Discussing the different functioning models of a fund that accumulates charges for infrastructure development.
Best investment projects in airport business:
- Peculiarities of developing the best PPP projects in airport business in Russia and abroad.
- Case studies of successful investment projects, including PPP, in airport business in Russia (Samara, Belgorod and other airports).
Concession agreements as part of the consolidation of aeroderome property of three Moscow airports:
- A decision on allocating funds by the NWF. Will this project lead to increased airport charges?
- International practice of allocating funds for developing aerodrome facilities.
Russian low cost air transport development strategy:
- The influence of low cost airlines on repartition of the regular air transport market.
- Plans of creating new low-cost airlines in Russia and the CIS.
- Developing low-cost airlines in the CIS: a forced business model of national air carriers or a profitable segment?
- Strategies of survival on a competitive market for regular air carriers.
- Product differentiation and creating hybrid business models for regular airlines.
Cost saving strategy of the leading air carriers during recession.
VAT: 10% reduction, is full VAT exemption possible for domestic flights?
Innovations and changes in regional air transport subsidy programs: Discussing suggestions to increase their effectiveness.
Receiving government support by trunk airlines. International experience of government support.
Manufacturing a jet airliner MC-21 (Yak-242):
- Project completeness one year before the tests.
- Market price and other peculiarities of the product.
- Appearance, promising performance.
- Competitive advantages.
New light multipurpose aircraft made in Russia - innovative industry product. Project status and plans for serial production.
Road map for the development of aviation fuel supply for civil aviation in Russia.
As a tradition, federal strategies and programs, new industry trends, innovative solutions and civil aviation cutting-edge technologies will be discussed during the Forum.
INVITED TO THE EVENT ARE: Heads of airlines and airports from Russia, countries of the CIS and Europe
Strategic development directors of airlines and airports from Russia, countries of the CIS and Europe
Russian and international experts in strategic planning in civil aviation
The Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation Committee on Economic Policy
The State Duma Transport Committee
The Government of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Federal Air Transport Agency
The Federal Service for Supervision on Transport
Aviation associations and public organizations
EVENT AUDIENCE The Forum is oriented towards the heads and staff of the federal and regional executive authorities, heads of airlines and airports, heads and deputy heads of strategic development departments of airlines, airports and other aviation companies, heads and experts of financial institutions. To order an event brochure and a conference agenda, apply for participation in the forum and the exhibition and ask any questions, contact the organizing committee. EVENT ORGANIZING COMMITTEE phone: +7 (495) 225 99 57 (multichannel ext.5)
fax: +7 (495) 612 47 92
mob.: +7 (985) 331 88 77
e-mail: events@aviacenter.org