Anton Koren, Head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel, the program "News. Economics". The video review highlights the changes in the global aircraft supply market and the dynamics of supplies of one of the key manufacturers of long-haul aircraft. 14.06.2024
Anton Koren, Head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER), live on the federal RBC TV channel about the state of the air transportation market, the development of the aircraft industry and strategic issues in the development of the whole aviation industry of the Russian Federation. 30.05.2024
On September 16–17, 2024, the key events of the year in the aviation industry will take place in Moscow - the Eurasian forums on route development NETWORK - 2024 and NETWORK CARGO - 2024. 30.04.2024
On April 19, 2024, the XI Eurasian International Forum Unmanned Aviation - 2024 took place in Moscow. |
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The First International Forum “Aviation Security – 2012” has completed in Moscow 17.05.2012 02:10
On May 16th the First International Forum "Aviation Security - 2012" has completed in Moscow The level of audience and the scope of topics discussed make it possible to call it the main international forum for aviation security issues where authorities and business representatives, international and Russian associations and hi-tech solution providers meet. In the opening speech the head of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) Anton Koren mentioned, that "the hallmark of the "Aviation Security - 2012" forum is the fact that significant attention is paid to the issues of transport security in civil aviation, with the involvement of legislative authorities, international associations and organizations", which creates a basis for using international practices when preparing recommendations for perfecting regulatory environment in our country. In his speech to the forum participants, Viktor Ozerov, the Chairman of the Council of the Federation Committee on Defense and Security of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation pointed out that "currently studying and using domestic as well as international practices in the sphere of countermeasures to acts of unlawful interference in civil aviation, creating intellectual systems of forecasting and neutralizing potential threats and effective threat detecting systems is becoming ever more relevant". In the address of Eugeny Moskvichyov, the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Committee on Transport, it is noted, that "The forum agenda has currently become especially hot: terrorism is getting more and more global, it is starting to affect the safety of large sections of the public directly. This problem assumes special significance for air transport." Alexey Novikov, a representative of the Council of the Federation Committee on Defense and Security of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, named the top-priority areas of focus for improving regulatory framework and legislation in the field of civil aviation. First of all, it is a strategic shift from obstructive measures for committing acts of unlawful interference towards preventive ones. This requires being guided by high-end solutions and their priority funding. He noted: "the next important question of improving regulatory framework and, I suppose, largely legislative, is decreasing the burden of providing transport security laid upon commercial organizations, handling or serving mass public transportation, that is airlines and airports. Today civil aviation companies must pay for their certification, there are additional costs of vulnerability evaluation, developing transport security provision plans. If we start from the postulate that creating a system of providing citizens security is the state's area of responsibility, it is not unreasonable to consider a possibility of allocating additional federal budget resources for these activities, particularly considering low marginality of aviation business and social significance of air transport for the most part of Russian territory." The following delegates also took part in the plenary session: Boris Reznik, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Counteraction to Corruption, and Oleg Smirnov, Head of Public Council on Aviation of the Federal Service on Transport Supervision. Boris Reznik concentrated on system-wide issues, the importance of air transport for regions of the Far East, the necessary consideration of the forum participants' opinion in the legislative activities of the State Duma. Oleg Smirnov noted several flaws in the existing regulatory environment and legislation. He pointed out that airports and other transport facilities "are not outposts for fighting terrorism." Providing examples of transport security systems, organized in Israel and the USA, he said that it is necessary to begin working with suspicious passengers well in advance, starting from the air ticket purchase. Oleg Smirnov also named an important aspect, the need for improving and tuning the system of interaction between federal authorities, responsible for providing transport security. He also drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to review certification requirements for local airports, which burden operation and increase losses of socially important airlines, providing examples of such requirements for similar airports in the USA, Finland, etc. Besides Oleg Smirnov proposed a range of measures which can significantly facilitate the destiny of international passengers - citizens of Russia, noticeably decrease the costs of companies and state authority management costs, for example, in regard to simplifying border control of Russian citizens arriving in Russia and other solutions. The participants provided a range of recommendations about new projects, which are currently not being developed in Russia. One of the world leaders in biometric video surveillance and control systems with 3D image recognition, a resident of Skolkovo Special Economic Zone, Russian company Vocord, presented its innovative projects. Airline representatives spoke about shortcomings of current law and the need for its refinement and adaptation to airline realities. In particular, it was mentioned that some Government acts do not suppose that people representing airline transport security departments would take part in developing measures aimed at preventing acts of unlawful interference; they are not compliant with the Air Code. The participants of the forum "Aviation Security - 2012" also recommended to develop common system requirements for integrated airport aviation security system, including standard recommendations for furnishing airports with acts of unlawful interference prevention management systems. Considerable attention was paid to studying international practices during the "Aviation Security - 2012" forum. Representatives of CIS Anti-terrorism Center and Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) spoke about the work of state authorities in CIS countries and their interaction with company aviation security services. Arcady Merkulov, IATA Deputy Regional Director, gave an account of issues of mutual acknowledgement of aviation security measures, as well as about "One-Stop Security" and "Secure Freight" international projects. Representatives of one of the largest international aviation security service providers spoke about the integrated progressive approach to organizing aviation security in Israel and the USA, shared information about information systems and equipment that are used. Organizing an optimized passenger screening method, utilizing service speedup techniques and passenger flow segregation was described, exemplified by Manchester airport. Vladimir Bordanenko, General Manager of SITA's Division, Russia and the CIS, spoke about international practices of technological infrastructure and operational principles of aviation security systems. Different aspects and best international practices of implementing aviation security systems were demonstrated, including practical use cases. The forum was wrapped up by a workshop devoted to innovative solutions in the sphere of providing aviation security. The host of the forum was the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER). The forum has been organized under auspices and with the participation of the Council of Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and other federal authorities, ‘Airport' Association of Russia and CIS, bringing together the organizations of Russia, CIS and foreign countries. The partners of the First International Forum "Aviation security - 2012" were: SITA, ISC Integrated Security Center, AIRFLOT TECHNICS Trade House Ltd. Based on the conclusions of the First International Forum "Aviation security - 2012", recommendations aimed at solving burning issues of aviation security in our country will be prepared for the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The next International Forum "Aviation Security - 2013" will take place under auspices of federal authorities in 2013.
The Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) is the first professional industry center in Russia and CIS that offers over 100 types of services in strategic planning and management of civil aviation and aeronautical industry companies and state authorities. To pass on to civil aviation companies the best industry practices and to improve regulatory environment in civil aviation, AVIACENTER organizes international forums, conferences and seminars.