The XIV Eurasian International Forum Aviation Fuel - 2025 will be held in Moscow on January 30, 2025
"Aviation Fuel - 2025" is the largest annual professional industry event for discussing all issues of the development of the aviation fuel market and the aviation fuel supply industry. 22.10.2024
On November 27, 2024, Moscow will host the key event of the year for airport executives, financial organizations and investors in the airport business, suppliers of innovative solutions for airports – the XII Eurasian International Forum and Exhibition “Airport Development - 2024”. 23.09.2024
On October 24, 2024, Moscow will host key forums in the field of design, construction and operation of passenger terminals and airports. 18.08.2024
Anton Koren, head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Aviation on air on the Russia 24 TV channel. The video review highlights the airports operations and airlines during the period of high season. |
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Reviewed the results of 2016 airport benchmarking 06.03.2017 08:17
The Center for the Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) reviewed the results of 2016 airport benchmarking - unique annual research, allowing top airport managers to develop effective strategies for raising profitability and reducing costs, aligning with the best practices. In 2016 AVIACENTER benchmarking traditionally included several dozens of key airport operating and commercial performance management indicators. Also a new section was introduced featuring a large number of informative indicators of the development and planning of airport non-aviation activity. The list of new indicators was built, taking into account the best international practices of airport non-aviation activity management. Airport benchmarking, conducted by AVIACENTER, is an innovative cooperative system of airport operators, where airport data on aviation business management performance, aviation and non-aviation commerce, HR and other areas are submitted on an anonymous basis. Benchmarking data are aggregated, forming statistics databases, and distributed among the program participants. What makes AVIACENTER benchmarking unique is the participation of airports with passenger traffic from 20 000 pax per year to several million pax per year. An airport of any scale will be able to evaluate management efficiency by multiple indicators. The 2016 program was particular in paying more attention to airport non-aviation activity development programs. Additional 2016 benchmarking questionnaires were developed by AVIACENTER's leading Russian experts, boasting experience of managing non-aviation activities at large Moscow airports, investment groups and regional airport managing companies, taking into account the international experience of conducting similar benchmark research. Over the years AVIACENTER's benchmarking system was developed by the leading top managers of key Moscow and regional airports, experienced in managing aviation and non-aviation commerce, quality services, HR departments and other areas. At the basis of AVIACENTER's benchmarking system there is a wide experience in research of KPI systems, best global airport performance systems, including Asian and European airports, as well as Russian airports, included in the global ratings. The signature feature of AVIACENTER benchmarking is its focus on indicators that determine the airport business, commerce and operations management efficiency, at the same time including the main service and quality indicators that make it possible to evaluate strategically the areas of support service of the main airport clients. For the first time the industry-wide benchmarking was conducted in 2011 with the assistance of the leading industry public organization - 'Airport' Association of CIS Civil Aviation and other associations. Over the years new extended research was conducted in certain airport activity areas. Benchmarking participants who use the research results, point out the high efficiency of indicators, developed by AVIACENTER. The strong interest to the results of AVIACENTER benchmarking from the large regional airports and investment groups shows the highest relevance of such Center's research results for the managers and specialists. The AVIACENTER benchmarking results are used both in increasing the efficiency of operations and commercial activity and in planning the development strategies, investment and PPP project development. While in 2011-2015 this research was conducted with an aim of aggregating an indicator database, in 2016 the experts noted that the indicator system has already been created, is highly effective and complete, making it possible to analyze the airport operations from the point of view of all the marketing and economic analytics tasks. In light of this AVIACENTER management decided to promote this approach in the industry and make benchmarking available for even more airports. Applications are accepted for 2017 AVIACENTER airport benchmarking. To apply call +7(495)2259957 (multichannel, ext. 5) or email benchmarking@aviacenter.org.