Anton Koren, Head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel, the program "News. Economics". The video review highlights the changes in the global aircraft supply market and the dynamics of supplies of one of the key manufacturers of long-haul aircraft. 14.06.2024
Anton Koren, Head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER), live on the federal RBC TV channel about the state of the air transportation market, the development of the aircraft industry and strategic issues in the development of the whole aviation industry of the Russian Federation. 30.05.2024
On September 16–17, 2024, the key events of the year in the aviation industry will take place in Moscow - the Eurasian forums on route development NETWORK - 2024 and NETWORK CARGO - 2024. 30.04.2024
On April 19, 2024, the XI Eurasian International Forum Unmanned Aviation - 2024 took place in Moscow. |
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Aviacenter has proceeded to the development of strategies and master plans for one of the airports in the south of the Eurasian region. 03.03.2021 16:24
Strategy for one of the airports in the south of the Eurasian region will be developed by the Сenter for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (Aviacenter). Within the framework of this project, a marketing analysis of the development prospects of international and domestic air traffic will be carried out. Regarding the commercial segments, the Aviacenter specialists will develop a strategy for the airport route network development, determine the optimal types of aircraft, and evaluate the required parameters of the aerodrome for the design aircraft types. Within the framework of master plans preparation, the specialists will elaborate the development concept, planning solutions and conceptual design of the main infrastructure facilities of the airports, and estimate the costs for the development of the infrastructure facilities in a planned perspective for further use at the financial planning stage. Graphic materials and 3D models related to the airport infrastructure development strategy will be prepared, the landplots zoning for the planned development of the airport’s infrastructure facilities will be determined. Further, Aviacenter will prepare financial and economic feasibility study of airports development in accordance with the main parameters of the master plan and commercial plan. When implementing this project, the Сenter for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation will also elaborate the main organizational measures required for the development of airport in a strategic perspective, as well as the order and sequence of business transformations. The Aviacenter’s approach to strategic and master planning of the airports is distinguished by the professional vision of its experts experienced in managing the airport business in terms of the commercial and overall strategic development of airport with a view to the growth of its business attractiveness, and taking into account the detailed planning of each business unit, planning of infrastructure development for justifiable demand, using a unique set of databases and advanced planning techniques. The demand for AVIACENTER services is confirmed by its work on the projects in all federal districts and in the countries all over the world. |