
"Aviation Fuel - 2025" is the largest annual professional industry event for discussing all issues of the development of the aviation fuel market and the aviation fuel supply industry.


On November 27, 2024, Moscow will host the key event of the year for airport executives, financial organizations and investors in the airport business, suppliers of innovative solutions for airports – the XII Eurasian International Forum and Exhibition “Airport Development - 2024”.


On October 24, 2024, Moscow will host key forums in the field of design, construction and operation of passenger terminals and airports.




Anton Koren, head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Aviation on air on the Russia 24 TV channel. The video review highlights the airports operations and airlines during the period of high season.

Airline strategy

Main Services Airline strategy


AVIACENTER experts possess the necessary knowledge, experience and resources to develop an airline development strategy within the shortest possible period of time. The Center has created unique proprietary techniques as well as analytic software for strategic business-planning of airline's operations, if necessary taking into account Russian and the CIS air transport market specifics.

An undeniable advantage of AVIACENTER is also a comprehensive set of statistics databases of air transport demand on domestic and international flights including world-wide databases and of Russian- and foreign-made aircraft fleet. The expertise of our staff is supported by the fact they have taken part in developing or managing over 120 successfully implemented strategic and business plans of airlines, including plans of the leading Russian trunk and regional air carriers. Besides we have proprietary airline strategic and business planning and crisis management techniques, which are successfully used by airlines.

To develop strategic plans for airlines the Center engages staff and experts, possessing management experience in their area of expertise. Such projects are supervised by the Center's managers and experts who have developed dozens of strategic projects for airlines.


During strategic planning of airline business strategy, we consider all the main elements of a strategy, which make it balanced and effective. For each strategy element the Center has unique proprietary methodologies.
What makes the services of AVIACENTER peculiar is a module approach to strategic planning, that is a client can order complex strategy development as well as, e.g. strategic planning of the route network and aircraft fleet development.


The main advantages of the Center include: solving a range of tasks in strategic planning of airline business by the best Russian or European experts, possessing deep knowledge of industry specifics and if necessary Russian and the CIS reality; independence from airlines, airports and from machinery, equipment and solutions suppliers;existence of proprietary techniques for solving all the tasks of strategic planning of an airline. The Center guarantees its clients that the quality and timeframes of services will conform to the leading international consulting companies standards under conditions, attractive for any airline with reasonable price demand.


You can order a detailed AVIACENTER brochure on strategic planning of airline’s activities or a brochure for airline’s specific  business unit  strategic planning by email: info@aviacenter.org or by phone: +7(495)225.99.57(multiline).




Airline strategy