
Anton Koren, Head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel, the program "News. Economics". The video review highlights the changes in the global aircraft supply market and the dynamics of supplies of one of the key manufacturers of long-haul aircraft. 


Anton Koren, Head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER), live on the federal RBC TV channel about the state of the air transportation market, the development of the aircraft industry and strategic issues in the development of the whole aviation industry of the Russian Federation.


On September 16–17, 2024, the key events of the year in the aviation industry will take place in Moscow - the Eurasian forums on route development NETWORK - 2024 and NETWORK CARGO - 2024.


On April 19, 2024, the XI Eurasian International Forum Unmanned Aviation - 2024 took place in Moscow.


Main Services

Airport strategy



AVIACENTER has all the necessary resources to develop an airport strategy, a master-planor a business-plan within the shortest possible period of time. We possess proprietary techniques for developing strategic, master and business plans for airports, our own market analytics software for analyzing and evaluating airport business, including software for airport service market and hub technology development analysis, using a large set of industry-specific databases.

As far as airport business is concerned, our staff scope of expertise includes developing over 40 airport strategic plans, master-plans including plans for leading Russian international airports and regional hubs.

Besides we have proprietary business development and crisis management techniques, which are successfully used at Russian airports.

To develop strategic and business plans for airports the Center engages staff and experts, possessing management experience in their area of expertise. Such projects are supervised by the Center's managers who have experience in managing airports and airport holdings, accumulated experience of implementation of tens of strategic projects for airports.

Together with its European partners AVIACENTER offers such services as investment engineering; organizing and supporting investment tenders for building and managing airports; engineering, procurement, construction and project management (EPCM) of airports and separate elements of airport business (including BOT, BOOT, management contract schemes).


During strategic planning of airport business, we also consider all the main elements of strategy, which provides it to be balanced and effective. For each strategy element AVIACENTER has unique proprietary methods, which in many cases to a large extent surpass methodological approaches, used by leading foreign industry consulting companies.
As far as strategic, business or anti-crisis airport planning is concerned, a module approach is used, that is a client can order complex strategy development as well as  e.g. planning of route network and marketing positioning strategyand rebranding of an airport, or a non-aviation activity development strategy.


The main advantages of the Center include: solving a range of tasks in strategic planning of airport operations; the best Russian or European experts, possessing deep knowledge of industry specifics and local development issues, which civil aviation companies have to face; independence from airlines, airports and from machinery, equipment and solutions suppliers; existence of proprietary techniques for solving all the tasks of strategic planning of an airport, from marketing and financial analysis to quality control systems and key performance indicators (KPIs) with a system of balanced scorecard (BSC) etc. Another important advantage is providing the quality of services that conforms to the leading international consulting companies standards at reasonable prices.


You can order a detailed AVIACENTER brochure on airport strategic, master or business planning or a brochure for a specific part of airport strategic planning by email: info@aviacenter.org or by phone: +7(495)225.99.57(multiline).


Other civil aviation enterprises strategies


The Center possessesall the necessary resources to design development strategies within the shortest possible period of time, not only for airlines and airports, but also for other civil aviation companies (aircraft maintenance bases, fuel farms, aviation training centers, handling companies, catering farms, business aviation operators and so on).

Our advantages here are our proprietary strategic planning technologies, universal analytics software, including solutions for analysis of air transport market, airport service, MRO providers, a wide range of databases of air transport demand in all segments. Our staff has wide experience in developing a large number of strategic projects in civil aviation outside the sphere of airport and airline operations.

To develop strategic and business plans for other civil aviation companies the Center engages staff and experts with experience of managing MRO providers and aircraft maintenance bases, business aviation operators, fuel farms, aviation training centers and other companies. Such projects are supervised by the Center's managers and experts who have developed dozens of strategic plans. For unique tasks in any civil aviation area of business, a work group of professional experts of AVIACENTER is formed.


During strategic planning for civil aviation company, we consider all the main elements of a strategy, relevant to a specific type of business. As with strategic or business planning of an airline or an airport, the Center offers a client a module approach to strategic planning. This means a client can order entire strategy development as well as e.g. positioning strategy or company brand development, or a development strategy for a separate business area of a company (business planning for SBU or company segments).


The main advantages of the Center include: solving all the tasks of strategic planning of civil aviation company operations; the best Russian and European experts, possessing deep knowledge of industry specifics and Russian and the CIS reality; independence from airlines, airports, other civil aviation companies,from machinery, equipment and solution suppliers; existence of proprietary techniques for solving all the tasks of strategic planning.

Another important advantage is providing the quality of services conforming to the leading international consulting companies standards at reasonable prices.


You can order a detailed AVIACENTER brochure on strategic planning of civil aviation companies by email: info@aviacenter.org or by phone: +7(495)225.99.57(multiline).


Aircraft industry solutions


AVIACENTER possesses resources for carrying out any research and development tasks for aircraft production or leasing companieswithin the shortest possible period of time. Aircraft industry projects are designed by specialists, who have taken part in designing federal aircraft industry modernization programs, have developed and supported separate aircraft manufacturing projects, performed marketing analysis for estimating global and regional aircraft markets sizes and estimating market prices of a typical aircraft modifications and have experience with other tasks in Aircraft industry.

The Center’s successful development of aircraft industry projects is guaranteed by an accumulated knowledge base for solving almost all economic and marketing tasks, which aircraft productionor leasing companies have to face. When necessary, leading Russian and foreign experts in the required sphere of competence are included in the project team.


When implementing projects for aircraft industry, we are primarily based on our experts’ deep understanding of aircraft industry consumer market, as well as on our staff practical experience in implementing dozens of such projects. For many marketing and economic analysis tasks for aircraft industry the Center has unique proprietary techniques and software, which have no parallel in Russia or abroad.

An important aspect for successful project implementation is the fact that AVIACENTER possesses comprehensive databases of aircraft performances, a software suite providing aircraft operation modeling under real economic conditions, certified techniques of comparative economic analysis of aircraft. For tasks involving market size  evaluation for manufactured aircraft and their modifications, AVIACENTER has all the necessary databases of air traffic demand, as on international as on domestic airlines, as well as software for modeling market dynamics and estimating aircraft demand.


The main advantages of AVIACENTER include: covering all the tasks of strategic economic and marketing research for aircraft production companies; the best Russian experts, possessing deep knowledge of industry specifics and Russian reality of aircraft manufacturing; independence from other aviation companies, from machinery, equipment and solution suppliers; existence of proprietary techniques for almost all economic and marketing tasks. Another important advantage is providing the quality of services, surpassing the level at which similar tasks are solved by the leading international consulting companies, at reasonable prices.


You can order a detailed AVIACENTER presentation on aircraft industry or leasing companies solutions or by email: info@aviacenter.org or by phone: +7(495)225.99.57(multiline).


Federal and regional aviation projects


The Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) possesses all the necessary resources to design programs of developing and implementing research projects on the federal level. Our advantages include participation of almost all the core staff of the Center in research and implemented federal level projects, including those approved by the Government of the Russian Federation or Ministries and Agencies.

In particular AVIACENTER experts coordinated the development and took part in designing the subprogram ‘Civil Aviation’ of the Federal Finansing Program ‘Developing Russian Tansport System 2010-2015’, ‘Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation 2030’ as far as civil aviation is concerned, ‘Russian Aerodrome (Airport) System Development Strategy in the Russian Federation 2020’, prepared the civil aviation part of the Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation, meetings of Boards and Public Councils of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Civil aviation issues of Public Council and panels of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Our experts also took part in designing the main areas of development of civil aviation of the Russian Federation for the period up to the year 2015, developing regulations of several federal laws for civil aviation (including the Air Code, the Technical Regulation Law, and so on), several regulatory acts, including amendments to federal aviation rules, over 10 methodologies in the sphere of economics and regulation in civil aviation, approved on the federal level. Our core specialists have published scientific works and articles in strategic planning and management, including planning of federal and regional air transport systems.

Our experts, possessing management experience in federal and regional civil aviation executive authorities and also management experience in airlines and airports, aviation holdings, are engaged for federal tasks. The projects are supervised by the Center's professionals with expertise in similar projects development.


When working on tasks of federal executive and legislative authorities we consider all the main components of the task, we engage managers of civil aviation companies, practical scientists and representatives of federal and regional executive and legislative authorities, civil aviation associations and experts in different areas of competence to provide comprehensive and objective expertise.

Each solution is developed in accordance with a time schedule, approved by the client, and coordinated by the head of the work or research group. To ratify the results it’s possible to organize hearings or discussions by public councils, collegiums of Ministries and Agencies, and also, if necessary, supervision of projects approval by federal and regional executive and legislative authorities.


The main advantages of the Center include: an ability to organize solving almost any research tasks, standard-setting and planning tasks in the sphere of civil aviation on the federal level; the best Russian experts, possessing deep knowledge of industry specifics and Russian reality; independence from airlines, airports, other civil aviation companies, from equipment, solutions and service suppliers; existence of proprietary techniques and analytic software for planning air transport system development on the federal level. Another important advantage is reasonable cost of services.


You can order a detailed AVIACENTER brochure on implementation of projects for federal executive and legislative authorities by email: info@aviacenter.org or by phone: +7(495)225.99.57 (multiline).



