
Transport Strategy Center (TSC) celebrates 10th anniversary since its foundation.


The head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the AVIACENTER Anton Koren took part in a round table in the Federation Council on the topic: "Legal regulation of the operation of unmanned vehicles: challenges and prospects."


Strategic analysis of 3 options for the supply of military equipment with comments from the TSC.




Anton Koren, head of the TSC Consortium, general director of the AVIACENTER on air on the RBC TV channel about new mechanisms for regulating the air transportation market in the Russian Federation.

Other civil aviation enterprises strategies

Main Services Other civil aviation enterprises strategies


The Center possessesall the necessary resources to design development strategies within the shortest possible period of time, not only for airlines and airports, but also for other civil aviation companies (aircraft maintenance bases, fuel farms, aviation training centers, handling companies, catering farms, business aviation operators and so on).

Our advantages here are our proprietary strategic planning technologies, universal analytics software, including solutions for analysis of air transport market, airport service, MRO providers, a wide range of databases of air transport demand in all segments. Our staff has wide experience in developing a large number of strategic projects in civil aviation outside the sphere of airport and airline operations.

To develop strategic and business plans for other civil aviation companies the Center engages staff and experts with experience of managing MRO providers and aircraft maintenance bases, business aviation operators, fuel farms, aviation training centers and other companies. Such projects are supervised by the Center's managers and experts who have developed dozens of strategic plans. For unique tasks in any civil aviation area of business, a work group of professional experts of AVIACENTER is formed.


During strategic planning for civil aviation company, we consider all the main elements of a strategy, relevant to a specific type of business. As with strategic or business planning of an airline or an airport, the Center offers a client a module approach to strategic planning. This means a client can order entire strategy development as well as e.g. positioning strategy or company brand development, or a development strategy for a separate business area of a company (business planning for SBU or company segments).


The main advantages of the Center include: solving all the tasks of strategic planning of civil aviation company operations; the best Russian and European experts, possessing deep knowledge of industry specifics and Russian and the CIS reality; independence from airlines, airports, other civil aviation companies,from machinery, equipment and solution suppliers; existence of proprietary techniques for solving all the tasks of strategic planning.

Another important advantage is providing the quality of services conforming to the leading international consulting companies standards at reasonableprices.


You can order a detailed AVIACENTER brochure on strategic planning of civil aviation companies by email: info@aviacenter.org or by phone: +7(495)225.99.57(multiline).




Other civil aviation enterprises strategies