
"Aviation Fuel - 2025" is the largest annual professional industry event for discussing all issues of the development of the aviation fuel market and the aviation fuel supply industry.


On November 27, 2024, Moscow will host the key event of the year for airport executives, financial organizations and investors in the airport business, suppliers of innovative solutions for airports – the XII Eurasian International Forum and Exhibition “Airport Development - 2024”.


On October 24, 2024, Moscow will host key forums in the field of design, construction and operation of passenger terminals and airports.




Anton Koren, head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Aviation on air on the Russia 24 TV channel. The video review highlights the airports operations and airlines during the period of high season.


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International Conference "Aviation Fuel - 2014" has completed in Moscow.  21.02.2014 00:09

Once again the Conference "Aviation Fuel - 2014" has confirmed its status as the largest professional industry event, where all the burning issues of aviation fuel supply are discussed.

The Conference was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia), the Federal Transport Oversight Agency, the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tariff Service, the Federal Agency of Technical Regulating and Metrology, IATA Fuel Quality Pool (FQP), International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER), the Center of Certification of Aviation Oil and Lubricants and Special Fluids, FSUE GOSNII GA, the Scientific Research Institute of Standardization and Unification, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Refining, the All-Russian Scientific Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Raw Materials, Materials and Substances, St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, heads of the leading air carriers, representatives of the largest Russian VIOCs: LUKOIL-Aero, RN-Aero, Gazpromneft-Aero, the leading oil refineries, fueling complexes of the largest Moscow and regional airports: Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Pulkovo, Koltsovo, Tolmachevo and others, the largest network operator Aerofuels, heads of aviation fuel traders, machinery and equipment suppliers, representatives of public organizations, media and many others.

The subjects of discussion at the Third International Conference "Aviation Fuel - 2014" included the issues of state policy regarding aviation fuel supply, developing aviation fuel market, problems of providing aviation fuel quality and flight safety.

During the discussion of state policy regarding aviation fuel, Andrey Shnyrev, the Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation confirmed  the viewpoint of the Russian Ministry of Transport that had initiated the cancellation of certification in the field of aviation fuel supply on the level of legislation. This produced lively discussion between the Conference participants, who acknowledged that the industry is not ready to provide a sufficient level of aviation fuel quality control within unified standards and accordingly, the level of flight safety in the existing regulatory environment.

Besides the representative of the Ministry of Transport once again stressed the need to prepare aviation industry for using alternative fuels.

Andrey Khvostunkov, Deputy Head of the Transport Regulation Directorate, Federal Tariff Service reported the current issues of tariff regulation on the aviation fuel supply market, issues of concern that the Federal Tariff Service faces in the course of work, as well as the suggestions and initiatives of the government body for perfecting the regulation of natural monopolies.  During the discussion the Conference participants pointed out the equivocal character of the suggestions for revising the Rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of natural monopolies at airports (the Russian Federation Government Regulation from July 22nd, 2009 # 599) with regard to the requirement of an alternative fueling complex being available at airports. International experience also suggests other ways to solve the problem of creating a competitive environment for aviation fuel supply at airports, which was confirmed by Lasantha Subasinghe, Head of Commercial Fuel Services Department, IATA, who took part in the discussion.

Analytical review of Russian jet fuel market - production and consumption volumes and structure, tendencies, demand and supply forecasts were presented by Evgenia Pandova, the Leading specialist of Information and Analytics Center KORTES. She pointed out the main trends on aviation fuel market in Russia:

-     Production and consumption of jet fuel is seasonal and is defined by the seasonality of passenger air transport. 

-     Domestic consumption accounts for 90% of all jet fuel, the share of exports does not exceed 10%.

-     The main consumer on the domestic market is civil aviation.

-     Airports of Moscow Air Cluster account for more than half of civil aviation jet fuel consumption. 

-    Russian oil refineries will have an opportunity to provide for the anticipated increasing consumption of jet fuel both through increasing the volumes of primary crude oil processing and commissioning of industrial capacities of advanced petroleum refining.

-     Average wholesale aviation fuel prices have grown 2%-5% in 2013.

A representative of one of the leading players on the aviation fuel market - LUKOIL, Deputy Head of the Production Planning Directorate Denis Tankov informed the Conference participants about the prospects of increasing the aviation fuel volumes produced by LUKOIL group oil refineries.

Special attention was paid by the Conference speakers and participants to the problem of aviation fuel quality control provision under the Customs Union Technical Regulations "On requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuels, jet fuel and fuel oil" and the planned introduction on January 01 2015 of the interstate standard GOST 10227-2013 "Jet fuel. Technical specifications". The problem was analyzed and suggestions for solving it were proposed in the speeches by Pavel Mikheichev, Advisor to the Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Sergey Uryavin, Director, Center of Certification of Aviation Oil and Lubricants and Special Fluids, FSUE GOSNII GA, Vladimir Bulatnikov, Chief Technologist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Refining (VNII NP), Leonid Gushchenko, Division Head, All-Russian Scientific Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Raw Materials, Materials and Substances, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology.

The panel arrived at the conclusion that it is necessary to create an independent platform for preparing suggestions for establishing a work system for aviation fuel market players that would provide the agreement of the existing regulatory documents (technical regulations, standards), development of the model contracts, their harmonization with the international practices and recommendations, which must provide the necessary quality of aviation fuel and consequently the required level of flight safety.

Alexey Popleteyev, Head of Aerofuels Group in Privolzhsky and Ural Regions, Alexander Ryabenko, CEO, "Sheremetyevo" Fueling Complex, Dmitry Rudenko, Development Director, Northern Capital Gateway (Pulkovo airport), Andrey Filatov, Financial Director, Gasoil Center, Sergey Gordeev, CEO, Aviaservice took part in discussing the problems of creating a new interaction model between fueling complexes, airports, manufacturers and airlines, practical experience of creating a competitive environment for fueling complexes at Russian airports, the position of small and medium traders on Russian aviation fuel market, jet fuel supplies.  The Conference participants discussed the existing mechanisms, legal schemes and best practices of creating and developing alternative fueling complexes.

A known problem of Russian aviation fuel market is the absence of aviation gasoline production. The situation with aviation gasoline supplies was covered by Sergey Tkachev, the CEO of Aviaservice, and the plans to restart the production of aviation gasoline at the premises of IVCHIMPROM were voiced by Vladimir Kovalev, the Director for New Technologies of the company, who said it was possible to begin production of aviation gasoline in industrial-scale volumes this year.

Some of the other speakers included Elena Vyboychenko, First Deputy Director, All-Russian Scientific Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Raw Materials, Materials and Substances, Kirill Skobelev, Chief Specialist of the Interlaboratory Comparative Testing Department, Center for Certification of Materials and Substances, Vyacheslav Zaytsev, CEO, Interaviagas, Gennady Zubakov, General Director's Advisor for new projects, Escort, Dmitry Gusev, CEO "ICON Trading", Deputy Chairman of "Petroleum products" Section Council, St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange. In their reports the experts covered the issues of interlaboratory comparative studies, using alternative fuels, modern forms of interaction during reciprocal payments between airlines, airports and fueling complexes, modern methods of trading aviation fuel.

The second day of the Conference began with a workshop from the leading IATA experts in aviation fuel supply. The workshop was led by: Chairman of IATA Aviation Fuels Working Group for the CIS, IATA, Peter Westphal, Chairman of FQP, IATA Marco Schaefers, Head of Commercial Fuel Services Department, IATA, Lasantha Subasinghe.

During the workshop the representatives of IATA covered the following topics:

-     a review of ICAO manual for jet engine fuel supply in civil aviation. IATA suggestions. Practical application.

-   international modern trends for aviation fuel companies. Up-to-date technologies.

-     Flight Operations Safety Management System International experience of realization of the flight operations safety management system

-     organization of aviation fuel supply in the Russian Federation - most urgent issues for Russia and the CIS countries

-     overview of IFQP (IATA Fuel Quality Pool) activities. IFQP in Russia

-     standard aviation fuel supply contracts for Russian airlines

A special report "Practical experience of organizing and conducting staff trainings in aviation fuel supply organizations on IATA programs" was presented by the Head of the Production Directorate of Gazpromneft-Aero CJSC Andrey Muromtsev.

In the afternoon the Conference participants visited a fueling complex in Sheremetyevo airport. The delegates inspected fueling complex facilities, associated with the main production steps: aviation fuel acceptance, storage, into-plane issue, quality control, modern aviation fuel supply technologies.

Head of AVIACENTER Anton Koren said that as a result of the Conference, recommendations will be passed to the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The Conference was hosted by the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER).

Partners of the Conference: Aerofuels, RN-Aero, TZK Sheremetyevo, sponsor: TAUBER.
