
"Aviation Fuel - 2025" is the largest annual professional industry event for discussing all issues of the development of the aviation fuel market and the aviation fuel supply industry.


On November 27, 2024, Moscow will host the key event of the year for airport executives, financial organizations and investors in the airport business, suppliers of innovative solutions for airports – the XII Eurasian International Forum and Exhibition “Airport Development - 2024”.


On October 24, 2024, Moscow will host key forums in the field of design, construction and operation of passenger terminals and airports.




Anton Koren, head of the TSC Consortium, General Director of the Center for Strategic Development in Aviation on air on the Russia 24 TV channel. The video review highlights the airports operations and airlines during the period of high season.

Registration form

Full name and title of delegates in English:*

Company name in English:*

Company legal name:*

Company profile:*

Mailing address (including post code):*

Legal address (including post code):*


Personal e-mail (to confirm your participation):*

Contact person:*



Cost of participation:*
Airlines with under 500 000 pax per year, Airports, 500 000 pax per year
Airlines with over 500 000 pax per year, Airports, 500 000 pax per year
Machinery and equipment manufacturers and suppliers (and other organizations)
Members of the 'Airport' Association of Russia and CIS Civil Aviation, International Airport Association, Russian United Business Aviation Association, Air Transport Operators Association, Transport Passenger Service Association receive a 10% participation discount. Partners of the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER) receive an additional discount. Special participation terms for representatives of federal and regional power authorities. Cost of participation includes: events, food and drinks during the conference, information materials.

Hotel booking:*
not required

Payment method:*
bank transfer
if you make a payment, using a bank transfer, we will e-mail you an invoice




Registration form